「寵物照護」找工作職缺-2021年4月 | 職業工會大補帖
...股份有限公司】、寵物旅館照護員(好狗命文心旗艦店)【魚中魚水族寵物有限公司】、賣貓寵物美容師【幸福種子寵物沙龍_叮噹貓坊】、門市兼職人員【宇喬寵物 ...
台北市信義區 1年以上 大學Introduction: Our team deals with data analytics and visualization, multiple projects running involving risk analytics, risk monitoring and quantitative research. Major languages in use are C#, JavaScript/TypeScript and Python. The development work covers end-to-end process, database schema design, API design and front-end UI/UX design. We also follow DevOps practices, build, test and deploy by ourselves. By using the Git branching model, pull requests and CI/CD tools, we enforce peer reviews and automated tests to ensure code quality Good to Have • Already familiar with our major languages C#, JavaScript and Python, able to code solutions end-to-end • Already Familiar with SQL/NoSQL databases, .NET Core, React, Redux, FastAPI and Anaconda, RESTful API and gRPC • Already familiar with CI/CD setup, AWS/GCP, CDK/Terraform, Kuberne...
「寵物照護」找工作職缺-2021年6月 | 職業工會大補帖
「寵物照護」找工作職缺-2021年4月 | 職業工會大補帖
【預約登記】寵物照護員職能培訓班 | 職業工會大補帖
PCP寵物照護員認證 | 職業工會大補帖
寵物照護工作職缺工作機會-找工作就上1111人力銀行 | 職業工會大補帖
104證照中心是由104人力銀行所創設:中華國際人才培訓與 ... | 職業工會大補帖
毛孩經濟學!!動物照護產業擠進全球熱門排行榜之中 | 職業工會大補帖
寵物照護員職能培訓班 | 職業工會大補帖